Stockethill Church is the local Church of Scotland serving the Cornhill, Cairncry, and Stockethill areas.  We’ve been holding our main Sunday morning gatherings in Cairncry Community Centre for over 20 years and we work closely with the Centre in lots of community based activities.

On a Sunday morning in Cairncry Centre we start with a cup of tea or coffee at 10.30am and get going around 11.00am with our service of worship.  We use contemporary worship songs and creative activities to give God God’s proper place in our lives and spend time engaging with the Bible and praying for one another, our community and the world.

As well as the Sunday gathering we partner with the Community Centre to provide the free café on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday by paying for our Community Worker to head it up.  During the school holidays we run activities for families such as our popular lunch-clubs and Saturday family fun events.  For those who want to find out a bit more about Jesus, there’s a group who meet on a Monday afternoon to watch the Chosen TV series together (which is a retelling of the life of Jesus) and we run various courses during the year. 

Last year we started a monthly “Family Church” on the last Monday of the month which brings together families from our neighbourhood to eat a meal together, have some fun with a craft and other activities, and spend some time in song, creative bible stories and prayer.  It’s particularly good for anyone who doesn’t think church is for them or hasn’t been to a church before.  Children need to be accompanied by an adult and adults need to be accompanied by a child!  Join us at 5.30 till 7.00pm on the last Monday of the month.

Beyond the Centre we run a weekly kids club in Cornhill school for p4 –p7 on a Wednesday at 3pm: ask your teacher about “Sams Club”.  We run services and get togethers in three sheltered housing complexes: Stocket Grange, Woodhill Court and Castleton Court.  We offer prayers for healing and we seek to support people in our area in any way we can.  The minister, Ian Aitken, is available for weddings, funerals, baptisms and child blessings (all of which are free of charge) and to chat or help as he can.  You can find out more about all these things by coming in to Cairncry Centre where you can pick up information about our Church.

For more information contact Ian Aitken at  tel: 01224686929 web:  facebook: stockethillchurch  YouTube: stockethill church